September 6th, 2009

Wonder Works

It’s a Mom’s lot in life to have nice things break. But what’s more worrisome are those pesky shards of glass on the floor when little toes are around. A surefire way to get them up? Take a piece of white bread (preferably soft), sprinkle a little water on it… then wipe the floor with the bread (wet side down.) Thanks to its porous texture, the bread picks up all the little pieces that went unseen.

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This Weeks Tip

It’s a Mom’s lot in life to have nice things break. But what’s more worrisome are those pesky shards of glass on the floor when little toes are around. A surefire way to get them up? Take a piece of white bread (preferably soft), sprinkle a little water on it… then wipe the floor with the bread (wet side down.) Thanks to its porous texture, the bread picks up all the little pieces that went unseen.