January 6th, 2011

Adding Up the New Year

Linda Kennard

11 hours into the New Year; I’m in my kitchen sipping coffee, adding up the aftermath of the holidays:

12 days (before Christmas) spent shopping, wrapping and baking, which left no time to exercise.

8 more days watching movies, playing games and eating what I baked, leaving no time to exercise. *Sigh*

13 boxes, tins, plates and Tupperware containers filled with goodies, not to mention

550 calories worth of nuts, cookies and chocolates lurking in my stocking, that I’ll have to force feed my

3 children and

1 dog before I eat them all (the goodies I mean, not the kids or the dog) and consequently catapult myself

9 pounds further away from the low-end of my normal weight.

1 day left to lounge around before I’ll be forced to break down and face those

9 storage boxes into which I’ll pack away the now dusty Christmas décor, which will probably take

2 days and will leave my house looking strangely bare and in sore need of cleaning.

72 hours max before I clean my house, which I haven’t really cleaned in the past

408 hours. (Hey, I’ve been on holiday!)

360 hours that the kids have been on holiday and only

96 hours more until they go back to school, where they’ll spend

95 days before they are off for the summer, which gives me

147 days to prepare my body for the donning of the swimming suit. Sigh.

89 dollars monthly for the gym that I visited only

8 times in December, but, if last year is any indication, I and apparently everyone else within a

25-mile radius will hit religiously during the

31 days in January before losing resolve.

27 years launched optimistically with the same New Year’s Resolution and

27 years’ worth of missing the mark. Heavy sigh.

1 plan to abandon that $#*^ing old resolve and commit to something new, like

3 mornings each week of yoga.

2 measly days before I have to tackle that new resolve, which gives rise to

1 last heavy sigh.


2011. The grand total of this holiday aftermath. Cheers!

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This Weeks Tip

We did a review a while ago of dry shampoo. Here’s an alternative when you don’t have time to wash, but want to get rid of the oily-ness. Sprinkle some baking soda on your hair, comb through then quickly fluff your hair with a blow dryer. (note: You can also add a little scented baby powder to keep your hair smelling clean!)