Caveman’s new method for not picking up toys: “They are sleeping right now. I’ll pick them up after their nap is over.”
Caveman’s new method for not picking up toys: “They are sleeping right now. I’ll pick them up after their nap is over.”
The other day Caveman and I were in the waiting area of a kids’ gymnastics place, waiting as Princess learned to balance and tumble. Fortunately, one of our friends in the class has a younger sibling Caveman’s age, lets call her Blondie, so the two of them wreak havoc in the waiting area, rearranging chairs into spaceships and running around like maniacs, while we wait for the hour-long class to be over. If the gym employees mind, they don’t say (...Read More)
You know those mothers who always look perfect? They fix their hair and wear make-up every day, they only wear workout clothing if they are actually working out, and in general they just seem to have it together? Yeah. I am not one of those mothers. I’m the other kind. I’m the kind of mother who wears a velour tracksuit on a good day. For me, putting on a pair of jeans counts as “dressing up.” In fact, I’ve been (...Read More)
Every year I make the same New Year’s Resolution (eat healthier), and every year I mostly ignore that resolution (but chocolate IS healthy!). This year, I think I’ll focus on Momilutions, instead, and they’ll be less about changing what I do and more about reframing how I view my world. Here is my top five: • Remember that frozen chicken nuggets for dinner do not represent a parenting failure. They are a means to provide my children with a less (...Read More)
In the past, I’ve spent a lot of time bemoaning the fates for sending me a boy. Boys are difficult. They don’t sit still. They’re hard to potty train. They like overly complicated toys that even my husband can’t figure out. They’re demanding, sometimes disgusting, and often dangerous. But I swear, there is nothing cuter than a little boy. You hear people talk about “boys and their mothers,” and until Caveman, I really didn’t know what they were talking about. (...Read More)
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