One night a few weeks ago, several of my “mom” friends and I who had husbands working late or out of town got together with the kids for dinner. We got Chinese take-out, which usually pleases everyone. And everyone was pleased—except Caveman, whose current culinary preferences include fruit snacks* and, well, air. He ate not one bite. No rice (he likes rice). No broccoli (he loves broccoli). None of the sweet crispy chicken dish that every other kid gobbled up. (...Read More)

About Sarah
Sarah is obviously in love with chaos, as she has actively sought it since her daughter "Princess" was born in 2006. A cross-country move when Princess was four months old landed her back in the Silicon Valley, where her computer geek husband, Hubby 1.0, could dwell with his kind. In 2007, she decided to go to graduate school, which she’s completing as slowly as possible. When her son, "Caveman," arrived in the fall of 2008, life just got more entertaining. An aspiring librarian, Sarah is often found at story time bribing Caveman to pay attention with granola bars and goldfish. She's also on a quest to find a haircut that requires absolutely no styling and still looks good on those days when a shower just doesn't happen. In her spare time, she picks up toys, does laundry, cooks, checks facebook obsessively, submits photos to "$*%# my Kids Ruined," and organizes play dates with a great group of moms who keep her sane.Racking Up Pediatrician Points
I think my pediatrician should offer some sort of reward program, like airline miles or credit card points. I have called and visited so many times in the past six months that the receptionist recognizes my voice. In all seriousness, the last time I called she just asked, “Is this for Princess or Caveman” before I even told her who I was. I figure there should be some extra benefit to me from this relationship, since I am usually the (...Read More)
Kindergarten Craziness
I can get a little carried away with research. When Hubby and I were considering buying a car, I spent hours researching vehicles and made a spreadsheet of all our options. When we wanted to buy a house I schlepped Princess and my poor realtor to about a zillion potential homes. When my OB wanted to induce my labor with Caveman I scoured the Internet for the pros and cons of induction. Don’t even get me started on the circumcision (...Read More)
The Ignorance of Youth
Confession time: When I was 20, I spent the summer living in a small apartment complex in my hometown. One night, a child in a nearby apartment cried for hours and HOURS. Believing (foolishly, as a childless 20-year-old would) that NO child would cry so long if properly cared for, I eventually called the police to report suspected child neglect. Not long after the call I heard the neighbor laughing with the police. The child continued to cry. I was (...Read More)
Kids Are a Pain in the Neck
They should have worker’s comp for at-home moms. I think I have quite a case. My right shoulder has been aching for a few weeks now. I should probably seek medical attention, but I know what they’ll tell me—rest your right arm. Frankly, there’s about as much chance that I’ll get to rest my right arm as there is that I’ll fit into my high school jeans, so I’m not sure there’s any point in seeing the doctor. Caveman is (...Read More)
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